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Introduction to email marketing - South Africa

Here’s an introduction to email marketing to help you kick start your first campaign.

If you follow pretty much any top digital marketer, then you should have already heard them say this. They will almost always mention that the most crucial aspect of their marketing efforts – the tool that led to their success – was email.

Moreover, there’s a perfect explanation for this…

Email marketing allows you almost instantly to connect with your audience in an incredibly direct manner. Unlike other forms of marketing, you’ll be able to reach your audience directly in their inboxes without having to use any third parties. 

That means that you’re not solely reliant on a platform like Facebook or Twitter, or at the mercy of potential changes to policies and algorithms that could render your messages unheard. It wasn’t that long ago that Facebook decided to change its system so that only a small percentage of posts from pages reach their followers.

Email ensures that your messages are going directly to your subscribers. Giving you the ease of mind that 100% of everything you send is going to reach the intended recipient. It means that you don’t lose any prospects if Facebook decides to delete your account (this happens). 

Email is a relationship that is directly between you and the subscribers. However, that’s only touching the very surface of what makes email marketing so useful.

There are many benefits to email marketing and tons of reasons why you should invest more time and more energy into it. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of what makes email marketing essential. 

Hopefully, you’ll be hyped to dive in and make it work for your business using this introduction to email marketing..

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First, let’s look at a Few Stats.
Here are just a handful of stats which perfectly illustrate just how impressive email marketing is and how it is transforming businesses…

For instants, did you know the following figures?

What is the reason for these stats? Moreover, what does all this tell us? 

Firstly, let’s take into account the ROI. The reason why ROI is so high for email marketing is that the cost of entry is so low. ROI (return on investment), the amount of money you make versus the amount of money you invest!

With email marketing, you only need to pay for an autoresponder service. Once your autoresponder is in place, you have the means to start building your email list compose and send emails. 

Guess how much writing emails costs? Also, it barely takes any time (remember: time is money!). In short, this is a relatively quick and cost-effective way to start marketing.

Another interesting stat is the fact that 91% of consumers check their email every single day. That’s an important stat, but in reality, it’s probably rather conservative. 

In truth, most of us check our phones not only on a daily bases but many times during the day. The logic for this is that we get a notification each time we get a new email. 

The chance of missing an email is low, which stands in stark contrast to social media posts, which is very easy to miss.

Think of any Facebook page that you have Liked and followed. Can you honestly state that you get 100% of the messages that they put out? For most of us, the answer is ‘no’, and the apparent reason for this is that some of us only check Facebook now and then. Even then we’ll likely only see the small percentage that makes it through to our home feed.

The only way we will see 100% of the content from a given page is if we were to scroll through the page manually. Also, who cares enough about a brand to do that?

With email, most of us not only check our inbox regularly, but we also get notified each time a new message is received. Of course, this only applies to your primary inbox and not of your ‘social’ and ‘promotions’ mailbox or spam. Using the tips provided, you’ll learn how to make sure you end up in the inbox and not one of the others.

That’s just the stats but what about the things that a survey can’t quite capture? Introduction to Email Marketing!

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Top Reasons Why You Need to Start Investing in Email Marketing

Here are some of the top reasons why you can’t afford to not invest in an email marketing strategy… An Introduction to Email Marketing!

1. It’s More Personal

The first and most crucial point is simply that email marketing is much more intimate as compared with other types of marketing. When you send someone an email, to your audience, you are messaging them directly. 

That means your message is placed right alongside other important messages. Changing the way that your messages are parsed and interpreted. 

Suddenly, this is in a folder right along with messages that demand attention and your email correspondence will take on that same importance as a result.

By writing your content in a way that feels personal and direct – you can take advantage of this too. Having a significant impact on readers and make them much more likely to pay attention to what you’re saying. 

2. Email Marketing is Immediate

Email marketing gives you complete control over your message and that even includes the time your message gets delivered. On Facebook or Twitter, you will compose a post or tweet and then hope that your followers will see it at some point.

With email marketing, your recipients will get a buzz in their pocket as soon as the new message comes through. Even if they have several emails that they haven’t read (not getting notified for each new email), they’ll still tend to check their inbox to dismiss those unread contacts at several times throughout a day.

Being able to time when your message gets seen gives you some control over what mood the recipients are in and how they are likely to respond. This type of control is critical because – as with comedy – timing is everything, and it goes the same for marketing. 

If you can get your message delivered at the right time, taking advantage of the fact that your subscribers are prone to be tired and thus more impulsive. You don’t get this kind of control with any other type of marketing. In future, we’ll look at how you can utilize timing in your email marketing campaigns.

3. Email Marketing Requires Permission

This is an essential aspect of email marketing, and it’s one that makes every message much more effective and impactful. The simple fact is that to send a marketing email to someone; you first need their express permission. 

Giving permission requires them to provide you with their email address and contact details. Getting their contact details isn’t as easy as clicking ‘like’ and it’s not something they can’t do by accident.

At first, you might see this as a negative thing. After all, it means that you end up with a much smaller mailing list since prospects might be less inclined to sign up. 

However, that’s a positive thing. A big positive. Why? Simply because it means that the quality of your mailing list is much higher. When it comes to marketing, quality trumps quantity every time and by a large margin at that.

If your recipients want to be there and if they’re interested in signing up, then that means they’ll read your messages. Meaning they’ll be much more likely to click ‘buy’ or to pass the message on to friends. So the very act of them, giving you their contact details also builds trust. 

When someone gives you their email and invites you to message them, they are showing that they trust you enough not to abuse that power. Also that they value your ideas enough to give up some of their privacy, this way, they become ‘members’ of your movement.

Again, we’ll look at how you can ensure your contacts are 100% valuable and the right fit for your list.

4. Email Marketing Allows Smart Use of Data

Something that many resources don’t touch on is just how much data you get when you use email marketing. As well as the flexibly with which you can use that data. 

With most email marketing service like MailChimp or GetResponse, you can segment your contacts, so that you can target only the right recipient with your messages. You can use demographics like age, gender or you can decide to target people in a specific location – increasing your open rates.

It also allows you to monitor engagement. You can see which of your subscribers are reading the messages you’re sending and which aren’t. 

You can also see whos visiting your site and even which pages or products they viewed. This data allows you to target the right recipients. The segment of your list that is more likely to be tempted and not be frustrated at your contact.

Information like this can help you to design better campaigns. Knowing which types of messages get opened and most important whos open them can help you target the right audience. 

Taking all these different factors and integrating it with other channels, like social media marketing, you have a strategy that is simply unparalleled. Many digital marketers and small business owners will put it off as it seems like to much work. 

However, in reality, once it is set up and you understand how it works, it couldn’t be simpler. Also, the payoff is enormous. Email marketing is MUST for an effective marketing strategy, and over the time you’re going to learn how to take advantage of it in a MASSIVE way. Use this an introduction to email marketing as guide to launch your first campaign.

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Go Digital Promotions (Pty) Ltd is a Digital Marketing Agency based out of Robertson South Africa.

We inspire to serve the Online Community by helping individuals and small to medium businesses through product, services and brand promotions on various digital platforms using proven strategies. Our main objective is to help our clients generate qualified leads by driving cold traffic and nurturing them from the stage of awareness – into ready to buy prospects. Our services include but are not limited to Web Design, Social Media Management, Paid Advertising, Content Creation, Email Marketing, Facebook Messenger Marketing etc.




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